Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction : MBSR Certified

For years now I have wanted to really hone in on mindfulness and help others to overcome their past through tips and tools I have learned through the years. I am currently getting my Certification through the Center for Mindfulness & University of Massachusetts via their online study program to be a Certified MBSR Representative. Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction has been known to help others with

  • PTSD
  • Overcoming Victimization of Rape or Abuse
  • Overcoming past hurts and heartaches
  • Overcoming and letting go of their past
  • Many other mental ailments

Because of this I started Juste Etre: Just Be…a way of living in the moment to just be. I offer tips and tools and well as Energy Work & SoulWork (Intuitive Counseling) to help them reach to the root and start dealing with their issues to help them resolve and overcome them, whatever that may be.


mbsr cert

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