Behind my Buffer curtain


What I seek is what I post.

Yes. It really is that simple.

To see “behind the curtain” of Trisha Trixie is to know me. If you don’t know me, just follow me on Social Media and you soon will.

My mind is always racing. I have an overactive imagination as well as a very overactive mind. I sometimes think my brain is like a 3 year old’s brain. In the 3 year old stage, from what I can remember about my kids, 3 is that “WHY” stage. Why is the sky blue? Why is the dirt black? How do I do this or that?

Yep. That is my brain.

What you may not know until now however, is that you get to see the results of all those questions through Buffer tools.

I have the Buffer extension added to my Chrome browser and for me, it has been the best benefit in the world. Depending on what your interest is, yours too.


What I do is look up images, quotes or articles on google Search and I go through them to find the answer, image or quote I am looking for. Then, I open them in a new tab so I can read them more or find the quotes I am looking for.

All I have to do is click on the Buffer Extension and this magic thing happens. Like transforming into a new dimension, a buffer window pops up and asks me which social media account I would like to post to.

The kewl thing is if I already have certain accounts checked off, it makes the posting into my Buffer that much easier! Every now and then, I want to post something to a different account and all I have to do is select that account. Sometimes, I realize that I don’t have the accounts checked that I plan on posting to, so I open another tab with all my accounts at so I can check them off and then when I go back to my searching and posting, it makes it easier for me.

That is just one of my workaround skills, but it’s a good one for me. It works for me, at least. Then I can right back into #BufferMode (as I call it) and Buffering away!

I love BufferMode!

Every weekend and sometimes on Friday, if biz is a bit slower, I go into BufferMode. I sit down with a timer and a purpose. I do my searching, I Buffer or Pablo images, maybe grab something off the Buffer Mood Board and add it to my Buffer queue, schedule it or every now and then something strikes a chord in me and I just must Share IT Now, and you know what? I can do that because Buffer lets me! I LOVE THAT!

Buffer has been my automation find of the century.

I have taught many people about Buffer and how to use it to their advantage, from Realtors, to Small Businesses, to Entrepreneurs or SoloPreneuers, StartUps, Growth Hackers, to anyone who will listen!

If you ask me, Buffer is the way to go!

Until next time,

XoXo TrishaTrixie

Twit Pic (2)

TrishaTrixie is a SoloPreneur, Empowerment Guru, Life Designer, Passive “Expertise” Income Expert, PinUp Model and Sprinkler of Fabulousness. She is the Founder of TrishaTrixie Designs, Trisha Trixie and Company, The Good of Sisterhood, Juste Etre: Just Be, Ms. Courage, and The PEP Club.Her and her newlywed spouse Ben (often known as HunEPants) live in Centennial, Colorado as new residents (transplanted from Iowa, via California, via everywhere else) and residing with them is their 3 cats, Miss Ivy, Mr. Booties, and Mr. Dude.



Trixie Tech Tip and Tools: My Money is on Buffer

Everything is Awesome

We all have that thing, that app or site or tip or tool. You know what I mean, that one thing, that when asked

“If I had to pick ONE thing to start the year right, or to grow my biz the way I need to and want to, what would be that one thing, the #1 thing I could do to change my business this year, what would it be?”



I found Buffer on @Twitter and thought I would give it a try. I was drawn in by their candor and demeanor online.  They were lighthearted and even fun posts about business and what they offer. They have Buffer chats where you answer a question or two they ask. Many followers of Buffer participate in their Buffer chats. Plus, I really love their attitude. I feel that Buffer has that

je ne sais quoi
ˌZHə nə sā ˈkwä/
  1. a quality that cannot be described or named easily.
    “that je ne sais quoi that makes a professional”

Many of the people, I noticed,  at Buffer work remote. Everyone seems to really love their job at Buffer or they wouldn’t be there. I like how they treat their employees. I am always amazed at what they offer their employees, but understand now why they join and why they stay. The wording they use on services they offer is also desirable. Words like “The Awesome Plan”. I mean, who wouldn’t want to be a part of Awesome?

Yes, they have a free plan and honestly, I think it’s great. When I tell people about Buffer, that is one of the first things I tell them. Go online, try it out. They even have a free plan you can get started with. If you need a little bit more, they have the Awesome Plan which is only $10 a month.

What an investment! Only $10 a month and I can reach my audience with more content, better ways to share my content and fun tools to do it with? Where do I sign up? 

What I really LOVE about Buffer

I am a one woman band. I am banging the drum, clapping the cymbals and playing the harmonica. That’s how I see myself anyway. To be able to be a successful entrepreneur,, more so a successful SoloPrenuer, you have to have the right tools to get you where you desire to go.

The term SoloPreneur is of course a blend of the adjective solo meaning ‘done by one person alone’ and the noun entrepreneur, which refers to someone who starts their own business and is good at spotting and securing the best business opportunities.

Often I get asked “How do you do as much as you do? I always see you online, you have made a presence for yourself, and you are successful. How do you manage to do all that and more? Easy… Buffer is my #1 so to as the best business opportunity because it gives me an opportunity to focus on other tasks I really need to. Buffer helps me handle my Social Media so I can do the rest, efficiently.

Since many are new to Buffer I will tell you what I tell people in person and what I say in praises about this tool…

“Buffer is similar to HootSuite, however, instead of YOU having to take the time to schedule when everything post goes out, Buffer has already figured out the algorithms for you. It knows how many times to post that post on Twitter, or Facebook. It knows how often it needs to go out for each social media tool. For instance, Twitter posts need to go out more often than Facebook or Pinterest posts. The cool thing is, you don’t have to worry about that. You just create, then Buffer.

I like to schedule some of my posts, I just don’t have time to do that for all of them. I know others who need to have that control and the great thing Buffer can do it for you. How you schedule your posts and articles is up to you.

You’re in luck! Buffer also has that option! There are a couple of ways to schedule a post. You schedule it to go out once at a certain time and day, or you can schedule it yourself to go out as many times on Twitter as you want, or to go out more than once to Facebook. It is all up to you. You decide if you want Buffer to help or you want the reins. Or perhaps a little of both, which is how I do it. I schedule a few I know I want to go out at a certain time, and then mostly let Buffer do the rest.”

But wait! there’s more!

The Buffer ExtensionThe Buffer Extension for me is the great things since sliced, homemade bread. (That’s the bestest of the best) Now, whenever I am reading my articles or see an image online I can either choose to Buffer it, schedule it or add it to Pablo with one click to open the extension and then I choose which account to post it to, now, buffer, or scheduled.

Who is Pablo? The real question is not who but what?

What is Pablo?

Buffer also has Pablo. I  imagine Pablo similar to a sign twirler. It is like the

Bad Ass Picture ToolOn Pablo, you can use their images and quotes and/or create you own. As a PinUp model, I like to use my pictures to help brand my company. I mean, for me, I AM my brand so using my pictures just seems like logical and smart branding.

You go to Pablo, upload your image, add a quote or some wise words to say, the share image. You can change the height or width by choosing wide, square or tall , depending on which Social Media you plan to share it on. Then you add it to your Buffer or Share the Image right away.

You can also use the extension tool and add it to Pablo, then use the suggested quote, scroll through the quotes or post as is to you Social Media streams you have chosen on Buffer.

Here is an example of one of my Pablo Posts…


I just uploaded my picture, entered my quote, added the Secondary text with my website so I can be found and get some click overs to my site. I Buffered it to Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, and Pinterest. When I do pictures, I get way more clicks and engagement then when I just do a text post. I love this feature and plan to use Pablo a lot more this year as I see in my Buffer analytics that pictured posts had a higher ROR  (Rate of Return) for my sites and my business. Posting this on multiple social media streams helped me reach the users who reside on those sites and streams.
Social Media StreamsThere are many choices of Social Media streams you can choose to add to your buffer. You can add Pinterest, Google Pages, Facebook Profiles and Pages, Twitter profile, LinkedIn Profile and LinkedIn Pages or Groups. I had some LinkedIn Groups attached for awhile and my Facebook Model page, but when I went through my analytics from Buffer, I saw that those two had low to to no engagement so this year I switched around a few choices to see if I get better engagement on Pinterest this year. Plus I currently am taking a break off Facebook, but i do have some Facebook items Buffered, so my audience is still getting what they need without me having to onto the site.

You know what’s Awesome? Buffer, Pablo, Respondly….everything is awesome!

What are you waiting for? Go to Buffer and start your year off right! #IVoteBufferfor2016 #bufferhasmyvote #VoteBufferin2016 #BufferisAwesome #BufferisFabulous

Have you heard the news, Buffer is Awesome!


Now go…do…be great…no,…

Be Fabulous!