The Door to The Present: The Key of Inner Peace

A long time ago, back in 2011, I had a dream about doors. In this dream I walked up to a door and I opened it. I came upon a long hallway filled with many other doors. Each door was different.

One door was see thru

One door had an easy handle on it

One door had a lock on it

One door was a french door and had two doors that opened inward

One door had a thousand locks on it of varying types and sizes and colors

Each door was different…

There was door after door.

As I walked down the hallways, I would try to open some of the doors.

Some doors wold open easy and I would find myself down ANOTHER hallway with MORE doors or MANY different handles, locks, colors etc.

A few nights later, I would have the dream again and so on.

One night, I woke up and sketched all these doors.

Later, in a metaphysical course at the School of Metaphysics in Des Moines, Iowa I was with someone who was taking a dream interpretation course. I asked the leader about this dream.

They said this is my life, my opportunities, my challenges, my world. the World of Trisha Trixie and it was showing me how life is filled with many doors. Some others open for you and let you in. Some you have to knock on and allow others to open. Some you have to have the key. Some you have to go through a few doors before you get to where you are going. Some have windows so you can see whats inside before you open and some you just have to take a chance and see what is on the other side…and so on and so forth… the explanations went on.

Fast forward until now…

I have been reading books on mindfulness, peace, inner peace, being at one, being present, being in the here and now….

As I was reading Thich Nhat Hanh  this morning, it hit me…it was like a flashback to a dream…

I have been mostly at peace for some time now since 2011. Many things have happened for me and my world has changed, it has opened up, it has become different and new and fabulous in so many ways…and now I know why…

I had an epiphany…

Those doors, those doors that I dreamt about so long ago, those doors are the doors of life…

Doors of happiness

Doors of fulfillment

Doors of contentment

Doors of success

Doors of Friendship

Doors of change

Doors of elation

Doors of opportunity….

and I have gone through them to the other side…

Well, I am not quite FULLY there, however, I realized this morning that I have opened MANY of those doors. I found the key to some of them, like in a video game, while walking along, BUMP I walked over something and a bubble popped over my head and stated clearly what it was “You have found the Key!”  Which then I tried that key and other key in every door I could until a door opened. I did this over and over until other doors opened…

My key ring is full of random keys that have oepned many doors. I have been carrying them around with me, thinking I might need them again…what if I get locked out…what if I need to help someone else get thru?

Today, however, I dropped those keys so I could pick up something else. (you know in video game you can only hold so many things. Sometimes you have to drop one to get something better)

Today, I picked up the ONE KEY I need for them all. I do need to hold to it tightly, so I am making a metaphorical lanyard and hanging this key around my neck. The lanyard is simple, nothing fancy. It doesn’t need to be. Because THE KEY is the most beautiful thing in the world. I know it will always be that way. I just need to see it for what it is and I will see it as beautiful, wonderful, magical, because it is.

It is the

The Key of Inner Peace

Nothing else matters when you have Inner Peace.

Lady at the store cuts you off and gets in front of you? No biggie, I have Inner peace. Maybe she was more in a hurry than I was.

Somebody steals from you? My motto always has been and still is, the fat that when others steal from me, I know they will get their kharama AND I feel like they must have needed it more than me. I thank God for helping me get rid of that item so it could open the way for something better.

I am no expert on all of this, of course.

It is a recent revelation.

Perhaps five years from now, who knows where my enlightenment might be.

I can say however, that for my dream of doors, a realization swept over me, like a cool breeze on a hot day, that the answer to that dream is the key of inner peace.

I have felt such contentment lately, such bliss, such elation, such happiness….

Where did that come from?

The fact that I have now learned to let go and let god.

Turn the page, as my mother says.


Go wash your hands and visualize your problems, worries, issues etc down the drain and come out clean, refreshed and happy. this is a visualization I do often and have since i was 16 years old.

Today is a new day. Each moment is new and fresh. Each lesson is there for a reason and above all

All you can do is take it in stride and be in the moment…

Every Moment…Be Present

Whether it is good or bad that is happening to you, be present, take it in and breathe and move on…

Each day we are given choices. choices to allow things, people, places, etc to affect us in a variety of ways. WE can allow ourselves to be angry, happy, sad, and so on. The choice is up to us.

We are a result of the choices we have and will make.

Choose Wisely…and remember my motto…

When given the option of being fabulous, why would you choose anything else?

Steps to Success: Trixie Tips & Tricks

Trixies Tips

Along my journey to this life of mine I have been asked over and over again

“How did you get here?”

Which I follow up with

“How much time do you have?”

But for now, I thought I would shorten the story and give you the tips and tricks…

  • Buffer This is similar to Hootsuite but IMHO (in my humble opinion) WAY better. Buffer has already done all the research to know how many algorithms one needs to post on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other Social Media so you don’t have to worry about it. I love how easy it is and how friendly the team is. If you need anything, they all take care of you and I mean right away! Which is awesome. Speaking of Awesome, they have an Awesome Plan once you decide to break free from the FREE plan. This is great for Start Ups, Entrepreneurs, Organizations, Non Profits and anyone who is currently a “One Man/woman Band”
  • Pablo by Buffer is my next rocketfire tool I love and adore. I am a Motivational Speaker as well as a “few” other skills I have and perform and so with this skill and Motivational Speaking and Empowerment session, using pictures for Twitter and Pinterest, pictures are an essential tool I have found for engaging users and helping with my Conversion Rate and to gain Followers. I would swear by this tool for anyone who wants to take the next step in their business.
  • Communit is great tool to help you mange your Twitter account. It keep track of who follows you, comments, retweets and basically anyone who engages with you. Then it helps you to prewrite your Thank Yous and Tweets to those people and acknowledges those new followers on Follow Friday. Again this is a FREE option but you can upgrade to a paid plan to allow more connection.
  • Canva Think Canvas with out the S. Consider it a series of pre-done designs ready for you in your personal and business life. Guy Kawasaki is the Evangelist for this great site! WE have even chatted via Twitter (which was way cool) and I love the fact that he took into account the things that I needed as an Entrepreneur and planning a wedding. I asked for Info-graphics, I got info-graphics. I love that! I love the response from him and other Customer Service requests that seem to streamline with my life personal and professional as I need it.
  • WordPress By now I assume you have heard of WordPress. One BIG things I love about WordPress is that it is free. When I was in Web and Social Media Strategy I ALWAYS turned my clients to this method first. Pay for a domain on Go Daddy then go to your dashboard and then Forward with Masking to your WordPress site. This saves you dollars and cents of Monthly hosting fees that are generally unwanted and unneeded. I have hosted a variety of sites on other platforms and always come back to WordPress. Free themes, Tutorials, and Easy to Use interface.
  • Go Daddy I buy and manage all my Domains through Go Daddy. They have 24/7 customer service and if you WANT, you can have them design the website for you, use one of those, or do as I said above and forward your domain to WordPress.
  • Meetup Recently I just moved to Denver and ironically this is one of the most used Networking Sites I have found. In Iowa and before when I was in California, I barely remember anyone using this. Here, EVERYONE seems to use this. I think some haven’t’ quite got the grasp on it and how great it is, but I see this taking off for more and more others in the industry. It is great as a New Kid in Town or to find Chamber meetings and even more so, in my world, Startup and Entrepreneur meetings. In addition to finding and connecting with other Women Who StartUp.
  • 123Print I use 123Print for all my Stationary Needs as Much as I can. If they don’t have it I go to BuildASign which I will talk about next. 123 has shown me superior quality and superior customer service. I never hear what others hear from using another brand. I NEVER want people to say “Or this is a __ card” and know where I got them. I will tell them however, your card should speak for you, not where or what company you used to get them.
  • BuildASign I use this company for all my Banners, Car Magnets and Bumper Stickers. The more you order the better deal you get, as like with others, but they have even called me to tell me my design is off center and wrong and a desire to help fix it. Other copies just sent you crappy quality and don’t care. I now have two banners by them and two sets of car signs. I order one bumper sticker first to make sure it is what I want, and then I order away with the rest once decided.
  • PicMonkey If you are making or using pictures in anything you do, motivational quotes or even for a LinkedIn picture, this is a great tool to update it, add features and have some fun with photos.
  • Portrait Professional For a more professional look and higher class of editing, consider this tool. It really makes those pictures on LinkedIn pop! (hee hee Graphic Designers hate that word)


  • Hire a Graphic Designer Do yourself a favor and spend the money to hire a Graphic Designer. You can use a College Intern perhaps in the beginning, but if you are serious about your work, your brand, your company, pay the money for the good one. Make sure your agreement with them allows you to obtain or have the EPS files as well as PDFs and JPEGs so that you can use that collateral for your cards, social media etc. The eEPS gives you the reign to change Designers later on if needed.
  • Interns I have leveraged the use of Interns in MANY of my businesses. For one thing, many times you don’t have to pay them. They need hours, you need help. that IS their pay. No matter what your need, I am sure there is a college or high school that has an intern twitching to get their hands into work, experience, and knowledge from a professional. Call or email high schools or interns in your area and find one that works for you.

Well, that’s it for now. As more come up I will add to the list! Thanks for following on Trixie Tuesday!!

Until Next Time,

Xoxo Trisha Trixie

Be Fabulous (REd Apron)