Serial Portfolio Entrepreneur & Steps to SoloPreneur Success

From 2008 to 2012 I was a Web and Social Media Strategist. I did many tasks. I had many clients. I also had many businesses. I deemed myself a Serial Entrepreneur because that’s what I was. I tried a few things here or there. Some panned out, some didn’t. My forte was in Web and Social Media, though it didn’t stop there.

I loved helping small to large companies manage their online presence. I set up Social Media Accounts for them (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn) for a small fee. In the fee, they would also get one hour of training. You see, even then, I preferred to teach someone HOW to use the internet to help them, instead of paying someone to do all the work for them.

I would also create their website for them through a process I taught them called Web Forward. I taught them how to save money buy using the online FREE resources as well as some small minimal costs to have a website they could mange and afford.

Both of these combined was my specialty! Now I will be teaching it to you. The Web and Social Media Strategy. Stay tuned for more info!

To find out my Steps to Success and way you TOO to have SoloPreneur Success buy my Ebook

Steps to SoloPrenuer Success


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